And, if you want to know about the schedule of your favorite soccer team then you could do it easily in Google calendar. You can subscribe to your favorite team’s schedule in a new calendar and set up reminders so that you don’t miss a match. Here’s how to do it. Login to your Google calendar account. On the left pane, click on “Add” link. Select “Browse Interesting Calendars” from the context menu. Now move on to Sports tab. Here you’ll find various sports. Click on Soccer link. Now click on the FIFA World Cup event from the list of events. Here you will find a list of the teams. Click on Subscribe link given next to the name of your favorite country. You can also subscribe to more than one team. Now go back to Google calendar. Click on the name of country on the left pane which you subscribed in the previous steps. You’ll get the world cup schedule of that team on the calendar. In this way you can subscribe to your favorite soccer team World cup schedule. Also you can subscribe to public holidays.
Setting Up Reminders
Setting up reminders is a bit tricky. You’ll have to copy each event (football match) to your calendar and then edit event details to set reminders. Once I copied the above event to my calendar, I could edit event details and add reminders. I wasn’t able to find a way out of doing it at once for all the events in the series, or copying the entire calendar to one of my calendars. If you know of such a method, do share it in the comments.